Friday, August 28, 2009

Random bites

Serious India is closed today, time to go random.

Go check out .....the movie released yesterday......raring to see it and Rajendra Prasad...........

I have just thrown the abilities to cogitate, contemplate, analyze, counsel and preach in my mental gutter. Till I wade through the murky mess up there and get them back, I thought that I would leak some my imagination into the blog. Oh yes! my imagination and sarcasm are still intact, otherwise I would have been close to insanity(no, I am not insane now).

Just today a guy put up this status message "When did you rise above yourself?"

I messaged him "When I attended the class and came back to the room, only to realise I was actually in bed all the time!".....spooky huh (oh, don't groan, twas a good answer, he told so!)....Though I am pretty sure he might have meant something else.

And the latest buzz after Jaswant's book is that my owner asked me to get my ass off his place as soon as possible. I tried to ask him why, but he told "No, its better you go" (Slap!).

And I did not even write a book on his friends or enemies. Apparently he wanted a moody "professional" with broody eyes but seems I turned out to be too much of a human. Anyway, as I told my other friend, "Mundane trivialies of a new place".

Also, the trivialities of Indian politics. There seems to be no end for entertainment, from all quarters. One for BJP,

BJP's under lotsa stress
Coz Raje is a princess,
And Jas said Jinnah's the man!
Which Modi pushed down with a ban
Advani, anyway out of the mess?

Given the confusion, you can write many more.

Following is a talk between two friends, an illad and a chom (both of them are equally bad at English)

illad: Hey, give me that two songs in your laptop? (rather rudely)
chom: both are copying (kinda tersely)
illad: yeah, give me after copying....I did not ask before copying
chom: I will give after copying only, how can I give before
illad: I did not ask na before...I asked after! (got a bit agitated)
chom: what do you want!? (also agitated)
illad: to hell, I don't want anything

and both became enemies. The saddest part is I saw something close to this recently. Lol

There is no one around me to ask me anything crazy. So, I asked myself, 'Whats the craziest thing you have done lately?'

I slept, there is nothing crazy about it. So, the post ends. I almost found my stuff from the mental gutter.


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Dilemma for Indian education.....and a few laughs

‘IITs cannot throw out SC/ST students for poor performance’ - Supreme Court

This is the latest news and I was eager to share my views. We all know that reservation has been upped in educational institutions and now almost 50% the seats are reserved, leaving a pitiful rest for the large general category (one of the reasons why I love BITS). The above judgment seems fine since the SC/ST students, once taken in by the institute, are its responsibility. They need to be provided with additional coaching and other facilities to get them on par with the students of general category (as BTech could be done within two years, in addition to the prescribed time).

The basic and inherent assumption of these actions is the fact that since they got into the IIT's, they can work hard and have considerable intellect. What we require to do is to show them the path, possibly guide them, and remove any inhibitions rooted by factors external to education. But what if the student is not capable of managing education at a higher standard? After all, that is what the JEE does, ascertain whether the student has the basic capabilities.

In the previous years, after JEE, hundreds of seats remained unfilled due to fact that only so many qualified from the reservation category, even after the generously reduced cut-off mark. There was a lot of discussion at that time in the country. Yet the management was intent on further reducing the cut-off mark to accommodate more students from the reservation category, but did not plan to recruiting any students from the general category who could have filled the gap. Also since the setup of the new IIT's, as such 'dilution of standard' is already underway. All these issues only add up to further dilution.

Of course, none can expect any new institution to just take off in flying colours. Dilution of standards is just another feature of the developing stages. What I meant to say was that leniency in recruiting can make that development take longer. The intention is right in promoting the lower classes but not at the cost of one the best institutions in the country. The amount of resources spent per student is considerable and care should be taken to avoid losses. I am not implying that the reason for the SC judgment stated above is due to the irregular intake. No, I am hinting on what can happen if such things continue.

Instead on banking on short term plans to promote the reserved categories, the country should aim at making students from these classes eligible for the IIT's. Rather than lowering the bar of institutions, they should plan to raise the standard of students. Thus making sure they don't rely excessively on the reduced cut-off to get through. For that you need good higher school education and we will finally end up at the grassroot level. This is exactly where the reservation should be acted upon and its where the maximum benefits can be reaped. Reservation should become lesser and lesser as we climb up into the upper echelons of the country's infrastructure. But we find that the situation is a bit reversed in our country. Reservation at higher levels will, in cases, hamper the growth of the merited and deserving. I know its a long process, but that is whats best.

We should keep in mind that our fathers, who introduced the concept of reservation, intended to be a tool to someday bring the classes into balance. They envisaged equal opportunity to all one day. But thanks to our incompetence, we have not been able to achieve that. What is more pathetic is that I presume no party plans to end it at all. I dread that they will secretly scheme and make sure that the reservation system stands for ages, providing them with political fuel for run for a long time. And time has shown that my dread is true, in many parts. And the government is not the only culprit, we are too. I only hope for a better future.

Talking is a lot easier, people say. But only if there's talk, people will know where to walk!

-----On the lighter side, this is what happened recently,

Indian: “Did we went to that hotel yesterday?”

Another Indian: “Yes, we go”

(For those don't know English :P , both of them did go the hotel!)

------Not a joke, so don't laugh.

Well, after sneezing I generally used to say “excuse me” but I've recently changed it. I started saying “swine flu” after sneezing, not to terrify people around me(thats a sarcastic side-effect) but just to amuse myself! Its working wonders (lest no one hits me)!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Blabbing BITS

Trying to find a way through the maze
Suddenly, into the past I gaze
When we lived life at will
Unaware of our increasing skill
When “planning future” was just a phrase

This is not a psenti post (atleast it was not intended to be!)

Passing out of BITS, there are some things you realize and some things that you don't. No I am not talking about feeling senti(though its there at some corner, I guess), but about the profound effect the whole BITSian life has on us. I realized this just recently. Its no wonder, almost natural, to see people evolve over the four(or five) years. Personally, during that time I never brooded about the kind of life we were having, nerd that I am. I never actually felt really psenti, but only thought that I should be feeling it and only sometimes, got carried along with the psenti-junta around me. But things get registered subconsciously that come out only when tempted upon, more often that not by an external agent. Actually, this always happens. Its a human trait. Your hatred or love or feelings for things around you, that you never actually think, come out(and sometimes gush out) at the opportune moment.

BITS is like a cocoon for us, protecting us from the cruelties and numerous unwise distractions of the outside world. We do our share of nuisance, but nonetheless, everything that happens is in good spirit and you are more likely to make more friends than enemies. When I see whats the outside like, I just smile.

Apathy and ignorance is another thing we are not aware of and have to get used to. I've seen this at some PS stations and I am seeing one now, people don't know BITS (hell, some even don't know what an IIT is) and I am talking about guys who are educated. It happened again the other day, I met some guy in our toolroom and when I told him that I studied in Rajasthan, he gave me the same weird look and asked “Did you not get in a good university near your place?” and I had to tell him that BITS was one the best in India only for him to nod his head (almost felt as if I was lying!) which was uncomfortable. As you all know, when you state real good facts about yourself, it'll only seem like boasting to the ignorant. The other day another guy asked me what my discipline was and I told him. He replied “What, no specialization? Hehe, yeh toh gaya” (he told it as if I was the guy who just scraped through some education not knowing what else to do) and I wanted to shout at him that I did it at one the best places possible and consequently, I will have numerous choices of a career depending on my interest etc etc. But I knew better and just smiled saying that the course was good.

Another aspect was the GUT(Grand Unification Theory) of my brain. Whatever events or incidents that I come across, I tend to fit them into one justification, for myself. If I happen to find anything that my understanding cannot justify , I get confused. And I always try to get in tune with the world. I am saying this as to signify the effect of college. It expands your horizon mentally, which are among a thousand other things that you don't know happened to you. You sometimes surprise yourself (and disappoint also, but lets not get negative :P) and its amusing what good education can do. I am not talking about myself (I will end up telling nothing, coz I did almost next to nothing) but its my general feeling of bitsians and the like.

Every aspect of my discussion with people tends to go into telling them what BITS was like. The other day, I was speaking to this person, a chartered accountant (oh and obviously, he didn't know BITS), and suddenly started taking about BITS. While talking, I went on and on and after a point of time I was almost talking to myself. I guess am licking my tongue after the tasty meal called BITS(no, not literally, not our mess!) only hoping to have tastier stuff in future(literally also!).

Friday, August 7, 2009


In case you don't what it is, google it and then come back!

So anyway, this the basic intention.....

"lets blog!" i once thought
but that was the only idea i got
then one day, ramblingstumbles i found
to give my opinions a firm ground
which were well read and always sought

But this is the current reality(no offense, be sportive :P)

"lets blog!" i once thought
but that was the only idea i got
then one day, came along ramblingstumbles!
where i would publish my babbling mumbles
to be read by those who work not!


India's predicament.....

I always thought India's neighbourhood as endearing, tentative and troublesome.....

I have had this discussion a zillion times with friends and others. What to do with India's tough neighborhood? I got many suggestions ranging from clever subversive tactics to outright full scale war. When in comes to my opinion(I would invite comments on the topic), I need to tell you that the future matters. I mean, is it our goal to attain global(or regional) superiority or is it to mutually co-exist. I would suggest a combination of the two, i.e, maintaining our superiority in core areas and simultaneously promoting coexistence.

Lets enumerate them. First is Pakistan, wait a sec, or is China first? Okay then China and Pakistan occupy a joint first place in the list of disturbing neighbors. Next comes Bangladesh and to a minor extent Nepal and Myanmar. Due to its own sad reasons, Sri Lanka too has been an issue of unrest in India (though it is just the collateral of its internal affairs). The only bright spot is Bhutan, a small land-locked country which really is a good friend of India.

People's Republic of China or China has been rapidly developing and possesses many similarities with our country. Though there are many opinions, the clear fact is that it has one major intention, domination. Be it in any field, one aspect the Chinese will be after is domination. Even in the Beijing Olympics, one can safely say they worked hard at maintaining/imposing their superiority. Though its not wrong on the outset, their stand has often created trouble(many actually) for India. It is known that India and China still tussle over the borders. A cherry-on-top fact would be that China claims Arunachal Pradesh(I've heard you don't need a visa to get to China from Arunachal Pradesh) among other territories. Recently it stated that “it is obvious that the territory in question(which we staunchly reinforce to be India's) is disputed and it is known we do not accept the McMohan line(because they believe Tibet was never sovereign to actually draw it!)”. Tibet has also been an issue and God knows when it'll end. It is testing for New Delhi to counter many of its moves. Furthermore, China has been promoting weapon and nuclear technologies of Pakistan. And it is also accused of supplying weapons to India's border countries of Bangladesh and Pakistan, and it is clear that it is keen on keeping a check on India's growth and development. All this said, it is still important for India and China to work together and hold the fastest emerging power centres of the world. How troublesome!

It is almost futile to talk about Pakistan. This is mainly due to the exhaustive intricacies our relations involve and that there are multiple centres of power in Pakistan. Each topic can easily be compiled into huge volumes and any views of mine will have to clarify countless issues and all it will do is raise more questions. Suffice to say, the best thing that can happen to India is a stable government in Pakistan(with a single centre of power). Though this is a very big ask and will seems improbable as per the current situation, the general intention should be this.

Bangladesh, ironically freed by India, has become a thorn in recent times. With fake currency emanating from Pakistan and Bangladesh alike, one wonders why it has become like this. Continual breaches in border ceasefire from Bangladesh's side have not helped the cause either. Both the leaders in Bangladesh face criminal charges(and both are women). How India deals with Bangladesh will be critical for other issues as well.

Over to Myanmar(Burma). Though India has many good ties with Burma, it is always risky having an oppressive military regime by your side. Though it an open fact that Burma is ruled by military junta, it is depressing to know that it is almost the most abusive of all. Human rights has been a disaster and the plight of underprivileged is unimaginable as per various international Human Rights organizations. How far India involves in Burma's affairs for its own good is what we should wait and see.

Sri Lanka's action against LTTE caused a furore in the country and things are seemimg to settle only now.

Firstly, I presume that a full scale war(with anyone) is not an option(unless it really is unavoidable) and it is really a waste of time to tell why(moreover with today's risk of nuclear confrontation). One viable option is diplomacy and a clever one at that might fetch some ends. I think that while dealing with any issue, it is always good to have a look at the big picture(i.e, to have an idea of what might eventually happen).

US, Russia, Britain etc. will always take a lot of interest in whatever happens. And as for US, its a double edged knife and has to handled with care. The situation is a bit better with Russia though. We also have the EU, NATO, XYZ to deal with. It is to note that am making no comment on the activities of the current or previous governments of India but am just giving my perspective. Also, in today's globalised political scenario, your decision is just not yours, it affects numerous decisions of other countries also. Its a game with unlimited possibilities and unpredictable eventualities. Really, its a huge web!

Hmmm....I might as well a book filled with inconsequential crap....wanted to elucidate more but am getting tired(mentally), tata

Gyaan.....and Baroda

Hello! I have been thinking about many things. Among those multitude of thoughts, I stumbled upon one interesting aspect. Our MD is a follower of Nityananda(a saint from Bangalore), so you get to see his wise quotations all around. They are good mind you and one of them was “When you take up responsibility, divine energy flows in you.....” (I remember only so much). It was truer on observation. Generally people(me included) tend to take time or/and suggestions before they do any personal task. But when entrusted upon by any external subject (friend/superior/parent etc), we tend to be more confident and clear in our approach and decision-making. Is it because we feel no pressure because it is not really ours? Or is it because we took responsibility. I felt the latter was more appropriate in general. I might merely be stating the obvious but its what I felt.

Hmm...that was one random thought I got today. Anyways, so this is my first time in Gujarat and am working in Baroda. Few facts about Gujarat and Baroda in general,

1.Liquor probation, the only state in the country where liquor is prohibited (has got nothing to do with me, just FYI!)
2.Though there's recession, Gujarat's industry is still pushing up, one of the few places where that's happening
3.There is a lot of culture and tradition here(one of the side effects of the probation :P) and so as why you find lesser % of the so-called mass
4.And effectively, it removes the concept of 'night-life' so rampant in other cities
5.Baroda (or Vadodara) is a small city and the roads(the road-sides rather) can get really grumpy if it rains
6.Here, you'll find a two-wheeler even for school kids (cycle-goers are a rarity). And you'll have to get used to girls/women overtaking you on Activas(or possibly bikes) on the road. And coincidentally, most of them will have a scarf around their head (you can see only their eyes), so you won't know who it was
7.Gujarati movies are comparatively non-existent and seemingly not encouraged, its Bollywood all the way. There is no dearth of shopping complexes and multiplex movies in Vadodara though. Its growing fast.
8.Many dishes are sweetened here. But Gujarati food is tasty in general.
9.Seems Baroda was a Princely State, so you'll find some heritage around.
10.The location where I work is called GIDC(Gujarat Industrial Development Corp.). Huge area with lots of industries.

Nothing much to do here.....will be back shortly.....tata

Monday, August 3, 2009

Mike testing...1...2...3....

A fairly conventional introduction I would say. By the way, hello! And if you are reading the blog, seems you have nothing worthwhile to do (now don't get offended, just meant that since it was only an intro). Moreover, you are spending quality time here (just bragging).

I will not bug you reasoning why I started to blog(I know you won't read anyway), but there are many reasons. Just suffice to say, it had to happen. With millions of blog-bros around, I am a kid by some distance. I do have a penchant for expression but no talent for essays. So it'll be short reading I guess(though I relish sarcasm, among others).

The problem is that when something hits me, it doesn't bug me long to make me blog it. Infact, I forget it almost instantaneously, forcing me do something so that 'll remember it. Also I can't assure a high output(of articles), I'll to make sure am around.

But I must warn do not get agitated with the topics, I blab whatever my mind can get a hold of. And of all things, this blog can only reflect my clumsiness and waywardness. Hope I don't infect you!

Thats about it, Welcome and Happy Reading!