Thursday, December 31, 2009

What was that again?! I forgot...

Wish you a Jolly New Year 2010!

First thing, I found 2010 most comfortable to type of all the years I have typed so far. So I predict a cracking year for, well welll, some or the other guy. And we will finally stop the awkward practice of putting letters between numbers (remember the 'k' in 2k7 2k8 etc?)

People wishing around new year must be great guys, I never felt like going out of my way to wish anyone. Hey don't groan, I already wished you.

As far as resolutions go, I always thought it wasn't an Indian thing. Who started it at all? Anyways they generally end up being 're'solutions-repeated solutions and I already have too many reminders & sticky notes on me.

Coming to reminders and stuff, I have recently realized the magnitude of my forgetfulness. I had parents reminding me at home and friends surrounding me at college, but I am now out. A poor little innocent forgetful thing in the big busy complicated outside world (Well not exactly, but you get the swing).

I go into a room with something in my hand. If I accidentally find something new or talk about something I didn't plan to, I will surely forget it. No exceptions. This theory hasn't failed once.

I have one for you.

I have to lock the room in which we work(design dept.), before leaving. At first I used to forget to switch off the AC. I then remembered to. Then I to forget to lock. Gradually, I got over it. Then once, I forgot to give the key at the gate while leaving(others come early in morning, so they need it before me). So I made a plan, I kept the key in my hand till I got to my cycle. Then I hanged the key onto the left brake's handle before I got on so that I'll not forget about it after I put my earphones on(I listen to songs on the way home). But tragedy. I still forgot.

I realized there was a key to my brake when I was nearing home, I couldn't even go back (office is 10 km away). This is amazing given fact that from my cycle to the company gate, it is barely 100 metres. What can you call this? Instant memory loss!?

This is just one example. Many already know that during PS, I bought a pendrive. I then went to the ATM and by mistake drew Rs 4000 instead of 400. Consequently, I forgot my new pen drive there. I went and bought a new one next day. And stopped going to an ATM with a pendrive.

Its become so bad that I have started accounting forgetfulness into my daily calculations. While doing stuff I am not particularly interested, I always feel I forgot something and more often than not, I do.

So this new year, may I remember. May I forget forgetfulness. I already wished you a great year right?

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