Monday, November 2, 2009

A short touring experience

Long time eh....

So started of on a small trip last Sunday(the one before yesterday), and am sharing my experience. Wanted to blog earlier but was equally busy and lazy to do it. Actually saying that, I love inertia(you know, not wanting to wake up when asleep and sleep when awake). I think there should be a term for ppl like me or us(thrs lot of‘em I supp). Something like ‘inertiee’(spelt inershee) or ‘inertian‘ would do. Okay lets come back.

I had to attend my ONGC exam on Sunday at Ahmedabad and go to Pune to visit a company on Monday(btw I am in Baroda, which is 2hrs from Ahm and 12 hrs from Pune). Obviously, I booked my ticket from Ahmedabad to Pune, you know, since am clever. Had a hard time getting the ticket on Saturday night. So Sunday came and the test was at 2 PM. I woke up late and had some pressing jobs to finish and I ended up having a light and hurried brunch at 11 AM. Caught a bus to Ahm at 11:30. And got to Ahm by 1:30. I then found out that the exam centre was in the outskirts and 25-30 mins away. I took the auto immediately(they wouldn‘t allow you after 2). On the way, fortunately remembered that I had no pencil, or a sharpener or eraser for that matter (you needed them) and it was Sunday. Somehow I found a shop, he had only one sharpener, lol. Got to the centre few minutes before 2. I rubbed my hands gleefully and started the test. Gen speaking, it was on the easier side. But given my shameful under-preparation aided by utterly inadequate knowledge, I did not fancy a chance either way. Actually, you have this funny good nothing-to-lose or who-cares feeling about attempting in such a way. It had 40 obj. & 2 subjective ques in GK and 80 obj. & 2 subjective ques in Mech. I got through all obj. and came to subjective part. You had to write these answers with a pen, I had two. So I felt good about that part. Anyway while writing the first que, first pen’s ink finished. Lucky me, I thought and took out the second one. Then while writing the second ans, second pen went out! **** me. The guy next to me had an extra pen. Exam done by 5(couldn’t get out earlier). I came out and made some calls and by 5:30 got to know that to I had to travel for 1 hr minimum to catch the Pune bus, which was to leave in 15 mins! It was to go via Baroda, seems it waits there for a while and I had time till 8:30. So I went back to the station and caught a bus to Baroda at 6:30. Just got there in time to catch the bus. Good, I thought.

But, there was some problem as some guy had a ticket but no seat. The driver did not hear his situation and a small verbal warfare started. Both talked to travel guy on phone and finally settled and adjusted the passenger in a seat. The driver was still sour and got back to the wheel(seems he was driving 24 hrs straight). Meanwhile I dozed off. He stopped for dinner and I missed it! After the break, the driver(apparently drunk now) came to fight again, totally forgetting they had a settlement earlier. He wanted the seat, seems it was his. He got abusive and started manhandling the guy. Passengers objected(I too shouted :P), the driver ignored, tempers flared, elders intervened and a re-settlement was reached. The whole drama took a toll of more than 2 hrs and I did not have dinner . I had to reach Pune by 10 next day for the customer visit. The situation got from bad to worse when I reached Pune at 12:40, a big delay. I then contacted our guy there, got to a hotel, freshened up and finally ate(I had managed with biscuit and water earlier). Went to the company by 2. Felt good, meeting someone on business purpose. Was done by 6:30(had to wait a lot). I had to get to office the next day and my bus back was at 7:00. Again, I caught it a few mins before departure. This time I did not miss the dinner on the way back. Got to Baroda by 7, rounded off a busy trip, and dozed off in my room. Went to the company by 10, comfortably excusing myself.

Till next time then; Good Day.

1 comment:

  1. Well..the pen drama was happened to me a lot of times (When am late)....
    atleast the journey wasn't got to see some Gujarati local action scenes.....
